Sunday, March 7, 2010

4000 Years For Choice

As someone who sees a great many clients with a variety of issues, I am often surprised by the amount of misinformation people are saddled with. But I am just as frequently angered by the amount of dis-information they have been exposed to.
Dis-information is better known by it's franker, and shorter name: lies.
For something to be considered dis-information, it has to be a special kind of lie. It has to be information, presented as if it were a fact by people who know it is not a fact, but who are pursuing an agenda that has little or nothing to do with the dissemination of reliable information.
Dis-information is rampant about sexual issues. That's a subject I hope to blog about at a later date.
For now, I'd simply like to post this link to a site called 4000 Years For Choice. This site is at the heart of a campaign to educate, through visual narratives, about the practices of contraception and abortion from around the world from the past four-thousand years. It contains a timeline with fascinating information about practices used throughout history and across the globe.
My purpose in posting this is not to persuade anyone of anything. It is to offer good, honest information about a subject so shrouded in misconception and dis-information that it's safe to say that almost everything that most people think they know about abortion is wrong.
Be for or against abortion, as your conscience dictates. But do it with good information.
The truth shall set you free.