Monday, April 13, 2009

Why I am posting quotes.

I sometimes regret that I do not post here more often. It takes me considerable time to compose a blog entry. Posting, as I do, from the position of 'therapist,' I know that some people will take what I write as the view of a person "in-the-know." Therefore I try to compose very carefully, so that my words will be read as I intended, and not misinterpreted.
Additionally, in truth, sometimes I just don't have anything relevant to say. As I've posted before, I am not one to speak just to hear the sound of my own voice.
However, I do have thoughts I want to share, but sometimes those thoughts are not my own.
I have what my wife calls a weird hobby. I collect quotes. When someone else's words resonate with me, speak to me, I record them and save them. Today it occurred to me that I can share those words with those who read this blog. So, from now on, that's what I will do. Not daily, perhaps, but far more often than I now post.

I'll be calling these postings, "Quote for Today," rather than "quote of the day," so as not to set up the expectation that they will be a daily feature. They will happen when they happen.
And, as always, your comments are welcomed.

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